Discipleship forms the foundation of all Bright Hope programs worldwide. This is especially true at the Children and Family Centers in Bolivia.
Children and Family Centers provide a safe environment where kids can go after school to learn and grow with their friends, receive healthy meals and hear about God’s love. The centers also host vocational training, discipleship groups and marriage workshops, with the goal of creating jobs, sharing the Gospel and repairing broken families.
Whether these Centers are feeding hungry kids, helping them with homework or praying for them, our priority is to develop devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. Adriana’s story is a powerful example of this mission in action.
Adriana, a 14-year-old from El Alto, Bolivia, attends the nearby Children and Family Center. She lives with her parents and two younger siblings. At the start of last year, all three children attended weekend classes regularly. Initially, everything seemed stable. Both parents worked hard to support their family, and Adriana was a respectful, quiet student. But sadly, tragedy struck.
Adriana’s Crisis
Midway through the year, Adriana’s father fell seriously ill, rendering him unable to work and threatening his life. The family plunged into crisis. As the oldest child, Adriana had to help her mother manage the household.
During this time, Adriana sought spiritual guidance from her teacher at the Center. Together, they prayed for strength and support. Through this, Adriana found confidence and began to open up more with her peers. She grew interested in the Scriptures and biblical heroes and became actively involved in the Center’s end-of-year activities, including the Christmas program. Despite the hardships, Adriana believed the gospel message received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.
By the end of the year, Adriana’s father had recovered, and the family regained stability. The leaders at the Center continue to pray for Adriana and her family, believing that one day, her entire family will experience the full love and salvation of Jesus Christ.
Please keep families like Adriana’s in your prayers, and that we will see entire families come to know Jesus as their true hope.
You can share Hope for Eternity
Through our Hope for Eternity programs, we demonstrate the love of Jesus through tangible acts of service, reaching out to the extreme poor. Our goal is to draw them to Christ and offer the life-changing gift of salvation. In addition, we emphasize discipleship, helping individuals grow in their faith and live out the teachings of Christ.