Bring Hope for Eternity to Those in Extreme Poverty

Your gift allows local churches to disciple, share the Gospel, and transform lives.

In a world of uncertainty, eternal hope brings stability and clarity. For families trapped in extreme poverty, life is a constant struggle, filled with unrelenting uncertainty. 


You have an amazing opportunity to share Hope for Eternity with people living in extreme poverty and empower local, in-country churches to make a lasting impact in their communities. Your generous contribution will enable these churches to disciple believers, share the Gospel and meet both the physical and spiritual needs of their communities. 


Hope for Eternity is the cornerstone of all Bright Hope's relief and development programs. Together, we can be a part of God’s transformative work in the lives of thousands, ensuring that eternal hope reaches the extreme poor around the world. 

Your Gift Creates Lasting Impact

Your gift has the power to change lives, bringing hope and transformation to those in need: 

  • $50 can allow one father to join a Father’s Club, providing him with biblical instruction on how to care for his family. 
  • $125 can train three pastors in rural Uganda, equipping them with a solid biblical foundation for effective preaching. 
  • $550 can enroll one pastor in Bolivia’s Ministerial Development Program, helping them deepen their understanding of God’s Word and better serve their congregations and communities. 
  • $1,000 can provide training to 20 leaders in a remote village in Zambia, where formal Bible training is otherwise unavailable. 
  • $7,500 can fund a Children and Family Center, providing safety, afterschool learning, and discipleship to a whole community of children and parents in poverty in Bolivia. 
Bright Hope Fathers Club Parenting Classes
Bright Hope mission opportunities

Change a Life for Eternity


Discipleship is central to all our programs, especially the Children and Family Centers hosted by our church partners in Bolivia. Many of these church leaders have received biblical and practical training through our Ministerial Development Program. As a result, these Centers provide a safe place for kids to grow, receive meals and learn about God’s love. They also offer vocational training and marriage workshops with the hope of sharing the gospel with entire families.  


Adriana, a 14-year-old from El Alto, Bolivia, is an example of this mission. When her father fell ill, Adrianna turned to the Center for spiritual guidance. Through discipleship and prayer, Adriana grew in faith and found strength in the gospel. By year’s end, Adrianna experienced God’s answer to her prayers. Her father’s health was restored and Adriana received Christ as her Savior. 

Donate Online Today

Bright Hope is a Tax-Exempt Organization. Your receipt will be emailed to you at the end of your donation process. When this campaign receives total funding, additional resources will be used to support similar strategic projects.

You can also give by sending a check to:

Bright Hope

33 W. Higgins Rd., Ste. 620

South Barrington, Illinois 60010