The Labyrinth

Recently I was on a stroll through the center of town in Jackson, WY. Just off to the north is St. John’s Episcopal Church. At the side of their sanctuary sits a large labyrinth. Legend says that the design was…
Recently I was on a stroll through the center of town in Jackson, WY. Just off to the north is St. John’s Episcopal Church. At the side of their sanctuary sits a large labyrinth. Legend says that the design was…
What we think about the poor and how we meet their needs makes a huge difference in their ability to work themselves out of poverty and see them succeed. Conversely, if what we give them isn’t meeting their real needs,…
If you’re reading this, you might be among the wealthiest people on the planet. Sure, if you compare yourself with your neighbor down the street or the celebrities on TV you might not feel rich. But compared to your neighbors…
Last year Bright Hope Ally Henry Pitman wrote to tell us about his experience redeeming a Bright Coin with his grandkids. We shared his story with you last spring and want to share Henry’s testimony again now. (Read to the end to…
An All Too Familiar Gift Giving Problem Who hasn’t been stumped when trying to buy a gift for someone who seems to have everything? It’s frustrating, isn’t it, when you want to give a gift, but you have no idea what to buy? You can only give…
Jesus Met the Physical Needs of the Poor When Jesus walked the Earth, his ministry was very tangible and holistic. He laid hands on people; some were blind or disabled and healed others who faced physical challenges, including death. Most of the people who came to Jesus did so because they had a…
The CATO Institute recently published Steve Henkle’s Annual Misery Index (HAMI) of Countries. (The CATO Institute is a think-tank that advocates for a limited role for government in domestic and foreign affairs as well as a strong protection of civil liberties.) The Index was started in the…
Bright Hope’s goal is to build a self-sustaining system that lifts the poor out of poverty and keeps them from slipping back into deep poverty. So, what are the forces that work against building a pathway out of poverty? What makes helping the poor so challenging? Lack…
Like a slow torturesome death, extreme poverty is hard to watch, even harder to go through. But, unfortunately, in the developed world (USA, Canada, Australia, Western Europe, etc.), we are so far removed from the extreme poor it is easy not to look for it or think about it. Unless we are…
Living on less than $2 a day. You may not realize it, but many people are stuck living on less than $2 a day. Bright Hope helps them create a sustainable livelihood and break the cycle of poverty. This truth may…