Family Discussion Starters on Poverty
Help Your Family Think Biblically About Poverty
Want to start a conversation with your children about some of the bigger issues people are facing in our world?
What's Included
Each month receive a conversation starter with ways to engage your children, at home or in the car, and help them think biblically about poverty.
Easy Conversation Starters
Each month receive questions to help prompt discussion and open up conversation about topics around poverty.
Video Story
Includes a video option to allow you and your family to experience a true story of a family or community impacted by poverty.
Prayer Points
Receive a guided prayer point around the topic of conversation as a way to encourage taking our desires and plans for the poor to God.
Scripture Memory
Every conversation includes a key verse that you and your family can use as a memory verse.
Ready to Get Started?
Enter your email to get the latest discussion starters and new starters each month going forward.
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