Prayer Wall

“Heaven is full of answers to prayers, just waiting to be prayed.”

Current Requests and Answered Prayers

Pray For Nadya and moms like her. Pray for strength and wisdom for mothers like Nadya who make sacrifices daily to ensure a better future for their children, often in challenging environments.


Pray for the Children and Family Centers in El Alto, Bolivia. Ask for blessings on these centers that they may continue to be a place of safety and learning for children, helping to change lives and communities. Pray for givers to support these centers a they nurture these children.

Pray for protection and healing. Pray for the protection of all children in Bolivia who are at risk of abuse. Ask for God’s intervention to bring justice where evil has prevailed and to bring healing to those who have been hurt.


Pray for the continued growth and impact of Bright Hope’s programs. Pray that God will move people’s hearts to contribute financially and spiritually. Ask God to continue growing Bright Hope's efforts so that we can impact more kids through the various children's programs!

Pray for Bright Hope’s church partners in Zambia, that they may be effective in meeting both the spiritual and physical needs of their communities. Ask for strength, wisdom, and resources as they minister to the people and share the love of Christ.