Prayer Wall

“Heaven is full of answers to prayers, just waiting to be prayed.”

Current Requests and Answered Prayers


Pray for Samfya Bible School. Praise God for this incredible ministry that brings His Word to remote areas of Zambia! Ask God to provide the necessary funding to expand its reach and impact.

Pray for the Christian Farmer’s Association in Mabo Kunda. Ask God to empower the new members, bless their work, and expand the program to help more families increase their incomes and discover hope in Jesus.

Pray for provision during Zambia’s drought. A severe drought has devastated crops, raised food prices, and made survival harder for struggling families. Ask God to provide wisdom for leaders and relief for those in need. Praise God that Bright Hope’s sustainable programs have helped some families weather this crisis.


Pray for Pastor Gloria and church leadership transitions. Pastor Gloria is recovering from eye surgery while training new leaders to take on her responsibilities. Pray for her healing and for strength in the transition, as many churches face similar leadership challenges. Praise God for Bright Hope’s commitment to raising up new leaders through ongoing training.


Pray for Haitian church leaders in discipleship training. Ask God to move in the hearts of those participating in the Knowing and Doing Christian Discipleship Program, equipping them to lead their congregations and reach non-believers with the Gospel.

Pray for better sanitation and health in rural Haiti. Poor sanitation has led to widespread illness, including typhoid, diarrhea, and cholera. Pray for resources to improve hygiene, build latrines, and protect families from disease, improving their health and well-being.


Pray for Kariobangi Community Outreach School and Children's Home. Recent floods have severely damaged dormitories, bathrooms, and the perimeter wall. Ask God to provide funds for rebuilding so that children and staff can have a safe and secure environment.

Pray for MCO schools and their students with special needs. Ask God to bless these schools, strengthen teachers with wisdom and patience, and encourage parents as they support their children.


Pray for an end to domestic violence in Pastor Geoffrey’s community. Many families are suffering due to domestic violence, with loved ones either in the hospital or prison. Pray that God’s grace will transform hearts, bring healing, and break the cycle of violence between men and women.

Pray for the people of Buvuma affected by strong winds. Recent storms have left many homeless. Pray for wisdom in environmental protection efforts and for families to act on knowledge that can help prevent future disasters.