Medical Care

Depending on the needs of the community, Bright Hope works with the local, in-country church using a variety of techniques to provide home-based care, support groups, job opportunities, nutritional supplements to those affected by HIV/AIDs, access to medical resources, and training on proper sanitation and hygiene practices.

Bright Hope's Work Providing Medical Care


Provided Medical Care

The more you know...

Physical suffering is an inevitable by-product of extreme poverty. Many illnesses caused by lack of clean water, sanitation, and hygiene practices have serious effects on communities living in extreme poverty. HIV/AIDS has decimated the poorest parts of the world, especially in Africa. It has left millions of people without any hope for their future or their family’s future.

35 million

people worldwide are currently living with HIV/AIDs.


of all newborn and maternal deaths occur in developing countries where pregnant women and newborn babies lack access to basic health care services.


of all deaths among children under 5 years of age are caused by poor nutrition, according to estimates.

Stories of Hope and Transformation