Category News & Stories

Finding New Family and a Fresh Start

Remmy, an entrepreneur and mother of three, lives in the densely- populated Huruma slums on the outskirts of Nairobi. Several years ago, she joined a Savings For Life (SFL) group with only 14 members. Now there are 22 and call themselves, “Tunaweza A,” meaning “We can”…

From Hopeless to Harvest

Razia became desperate as her family slipped further into poverty. None of her children were in school, their clothes were in tatters and they had to go so far as to borrow plates and pans from neighbors just to prepare…

Q&A with Bright Hope Founder, Kevin Dyer

In honor of Bright Hope’s 50th anniversary, get to know founder Kevin Dyer as he shares about the early years, what he has learned and God’s unwavering faithfulness. What prompted you to found Missionary Enterprises (now Bright Hope)? In 1968…

50 Years of Hope

For half a century, Bright Hope has been sharing the Hope of Christ in some of the poorest and most oppressed parts of the world. Here are some major milestones Bright Hope has celebrated in the last 50 years.

Walking Towards a CURE

As a way of avoiding the cultural stigma of being disfigured, seventeen-year-old Terrance chose to spend his time in the fish camps with his father instead of in school with his peers. Terrance was born with a club foot and…