Category Bright Hope Blog & Stories

Cooking with Love

As children arrive at the Children’s Care Center, the smell of hearty vegetable soup fills the air. Twice a week 50–60 youth come together at one of our partner churches in Oruro, Bolivia, to get homework help, spiritual input and…

A Fresh Perspective: A Love for Life

When Pastor Richard first approached John and Alice about a marriage workshop at their church, they were skeptical. Married at eighteen and nineteen, they had lived together for 26 years and had nine children. They had grown apart as each…

Open Hands

“How was your mission trip?” It is such a simple question yet so hard to put a week’s worth of experience and impact into a few sentences. No words seem to give clarity to the whole experience. I too find…

Fresh, Clean Water in Haiti

In Paulette, Haiti, they are struggling to find clean, fresh water. Here is one solution we are looking at to help our partner church, their elementary school and the community.

Grandmothers On a Mission

I just returned from Uganda with a medical team. It is amazing to visit our church partners’ communities and see for myself the impact Bright Hope is having. We visited with the grandmothers’ club at two different church locations. What’s…

Finding New Family and a Fresh Start

Remmy, an entrepreneur and mother of three, lives in the densely- populated Huruma slums on the outskirts of Nairobi. Several years ago, she joined a Savings For Life (SFL) group with only 14 members. Now there are 22 and call themselves, “Tunaweza A,” meaning “We can”…