Don’t Waste 2020!

Can you believe 2019 is almost over! So, did you accomplish everything you set out to do on January 1, 2019? Did you keep your New Year’s Resolution for the last 363 days? Yeah, me either. Far from it! I’m…
Can you believe 2019 is almost over! So, did you accomplish everything you set out to do on January 1, 2019? Did you keep your New Year’s Resolution for the last 363 days? Yeah, me either. Far from it! I’m…
“Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.” -C.S. Lewis Once, thousands of years later, in a small clinic in rural Uganda, a baby was born and named Emmanuel…“God with us.”…
I was near the end of my run when I suddenly tripped on a bump in the sidewalk. As I fell face first towards the sidewalk, I managed to hurt my head, my shoulder, my elbow, my knee and my…
We captured Noah’s first. steps. ever. on video. Watch it below—it’s likely to make you tear up a little… or at the very least make you smile real, real big. This…. This is why we do what we do. It…
Transparency is a good thing, right? Well, today we’ll be a little transparent with you—because everybody knows we all make mistakes anyway, right? Bright Hope President C.H. Dyer shared, as part of a panel for Forbes Nonprofit Council, a common…
“We have named our chickens ‘dream launchers.’ They have helped us launch our dream of educating our children. We never lack seeds for our garden and we are able to…boost nutrition in our home.” –Shafiq, chicken recipient Animals have the…
Trust. It’s a big issue when it comes to nonprofits. It’s imperative that organizations like Bright Hope gain the trust of their donors—or, as we like to call them, Allies. We don’t blame people for being a little skeptical and…
Watermelon is probably not what most of us will find at our Thanksgiving tables this Thursday, but it might be what you’d eat in Kenya this week, and it’s definitely something we’re thanking God for. Why? Because these pictures here…
Looking for a good book? No matter your job or stage of life, if you’re a human being, we think you can find something valuable in the book The Power of Moments. All of our Bright Hope staff—both in the…
As news of the political situation in Bolivia is making international headlines since the Oct. 20th elections, we asked our Bright Hope Bolivia staff to share their perspective of the current events with us… FREEDOM AND THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN…