Category Bright Hope Blog & Stories

Every Day We Face a Choice

Will we do everything we can to make our lives comfortable? Or will we do everything we can to help others experience Hope? Rose and her husband, Simon, were peasant farmers in Uganda. Day after day they struggled to feed…

Creating an Oasis in a Desert

Imagine growing up in Turkana, a vast, drought-ridden county in northern Kenya. You live the way your parents and their parents and their parents lived, as far back as anyone can recollect. You are an iconic people group, with your…

What’s Happening in Zambia?

Like much of the rest of world, Zambia’s schools (including all of Bright Hope’s partner schools), churches, businesses, and many restaurants closed down almost a month ago because of the coronavirus. Even government offices only stay open for a few…

COVID-19 Update from Bolivia

Cochabamba, April 2, 2020 (updated stats as of April 7) Bolivia’s first two COVID-19 cases were diagnosed on March 11. Before that, neighboring countries were already beginning to report cases, but the Bolivian population continued its normal activities. Of those…