Zambia – Poverty impacts women and children the hardest, leaving them to overcome hunger, illness, depression, and danger. Education can be one of the surest paths out of poverty.
Thank you again caring for vulnerable high school girls in Zambia and helping us raise $75,000 to build their dorm.
Because of your generosity, our church partner is Kalasa Mukoso, Zambia has built a safe, sanitary, secure place for the girls to rest so they can journey out of poverty.
Girl’s Dorm in Zambia is Complete
Now, the Girl’s Dorm is OPEN, and 60 girls have moved in! These precious high schoolers have a safe place to live so they can receive an education and follow the path out of poverty.
Here is a photo of these joy-filled girls!
Watch this quick update from our President and CEO, C.H. Dyer, and please join us in thanking God for providing!
Get involved in Zambia and beyond!
If you didn’t get a chance to help build safe housing for these precious girls, don’t worry. You can always partner with us to make an ongoing difference in the lives of the extreme poor by helping them start a life that sustains families, builds businesses, feeds communities, and educates people.