Caroline is a 68-year-old Ugandan widow who takes care of five grandchildren. She will tell you it is always hard to provide for their basic needs. (But, pssst, we know that chickens change lives! So keep reading and see what we mean…)
“I struggle to find soap, sugar and nutritious foods for the children, and I need to find a way of earning some income to help me with that,” Caroline said.
Then, help came. Hope came. And it is changing everything.
Caroline was among the ten elderly women who gathered at a Bright Hope partner church to each receive five chickens. All the women were excited to receive their chickens.
That day, a total of fifty chickens were given out to ten families, most of which are headed by grandmothers. These elderly ladies usually have little if any support, yet they have children reliant on them. These families were chosen because the grandmothers in this rural community, already vulnerable themselves, also care for the most vulnerable children in the community.
Chickens Help the Poor and Change Lives!
Now that Caroline has chickens, she says it will be somewhat easy to obtain the things she needs for survival!
She is already strategizing with her chickens—she plans on taking very good care of them and, when they begin laying eggs, she will sell some and buy what she needs for the children.
“Not all these children are orphans, but their parents are struggling to earn a living and to afford basic needs, so as their grandmother I have to come in and help,” Caroline said. “That is why these chickens are very important because they are going to help me take care of my grandchildren.”

Help the Poor Who Survive on Agriculture
In this community, having chickens is a very vital supplement to many families who mostly survive on agriculture. In the off-season for crops, people sell chickens to earn some income and also to boost their children’s nutrition. Chickens help Ugandan grandmothers care for those they love.
Thank you for easing the burden of poverty and helping grandmothers like Caroline care for the most vulnerable children in the community. Their lives will never be the same.
Do you want to give a chicken and change a life today?
(We’re not the only ones who think raising chickens are a powerful and creative way to help the extreme poor. See what Bill Gates has to say about it).
Help the Poor – Give a Chicken.
Chicken projects can help the poor through nutrition, income and education. Would you also consider giving a chicken today?
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