A Servant’s Heart: The Inspiring Mission of Pastor Sam in Haiti 

For millions of people in Haiti, the future seems bleak. Having experienced extreme unrest since their president was assassinated three years ago, the people of this beautiful island nation have borne the burden of constant pressure and threats.  

Praise God that pastors and church leaders are reaching out to their communities with hope. 

Amid this chaos, Bright Hope’s church partners have comforted the discouraged and fearful. Haitian pastors have worked courageously on the frontlines, pouring out their lives to reach hurting people in their communities with the love of Christ.  

You can send an Encouraging Note to Haitian Pastors through our simple online form: https://www.brighthope.org/hopeforhaiti/ 

Meet Haitian Pastor Sam

Pastor Sam has served his congregation faithfully for 30 years! When asked what he enjoys most about ministry, he shared: “What I really like in my ministry is the fact when I preach, the church members spiritually wake up. New people come to repentance. If someone has a problem and I pray for him, God strengthens him, I really love that!” 

Sam leads one of Bright Hope’s partner churches in Haiti. As one of our church partners, his leadership team receives valuable training to disciple congregants, help families raise their incomes, and find hope amid political upheaval.  

Pastor Sam reflected on his experience working with Bright Hope to set up a business to support several churches, as well as other important projects: “I am happy because Bright Hope always understands us and supports us. As an example, we didn’t have a printing and copying service in the community. People used to go to a neighboring community for these services. But now, we have not only a service center, but we can employ people with technology skills in our community. With Bright Hope we work also in the sanitation field, particularly by raising awareness about cholera. We held several training courses on new agricultural practices, and some farmers are planting yam thanks to Bright Hope’s support.”  

Struggles Haitian Pastors Face

Life and ministry have not been easy for Pastor Sam, or many other church leaders in Haiti. Pastor Sam’s congregants cannot feed their families enough food and often come to church hungry. He used to offer coffee and bread before the service on Sunday mornings but due to budget constraints, he can no longer meet this basic need for his congregants. 

In addition, Pastor Sam explained that his community has little very access to clean drinking water and sanitation services. As a result, sickness spreads quickly through his community and church.  

Pastor Sam explained what changes he hopes to see in his community: I would like Bright Hope’s help to have drinkable water in my community that will be helpful for children, students, and church members. If it is possible, I would like Bright Hope to help us in praying for access to drinkable water.” 

At Bright Hope, we are committed to walking alongside our church partners and their leaders to find solutions to these and other pressing problems. Unfortunately, sometimes these solutions take time to change a community. As they work and wait, these pastors and church leaders need your prayers and encouragement. 

Haitian Pastors Need Your Encouragement 

Pastors in Haiti work amid tragedy every day. They continually carry the light of Jesus into very dark places. As a result, they, too, have felt the weight of repeated trauma. They desperately need your encouragement and prayers to carry them through this long season of darkness.  

Please send an Encouraging Note to Haitian Pastors through our simple online form.

Your encouragement will remind them that the global church has not forgotten about them. You can choose a pre-written note, write your own note, or simply share a favorite Bible verse or a prayer.   

Thank you for encouraging Haitian pastors to keep fighting the good fight! Your uplifting words will raise these pastors’ spirits and remind them that God’s presence sustains them. 

Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.