Finding Light: How Depression Led Marco to God’s Calling 

Bolivia – Depression can feel all-consuming and isolating, threatening to snuff out all light. But even in the darkest times, God is working, molding and shaping the heart of his chosen servant. That is exactly what He did in Marco’ life.  

Wonderful people don’t always have grand beginnings. Some beginnings are painful. Some feel unfair. Others carry a load of grief and regret. This is the story of a young man who loves God, is called according to His purpose, and for whom all things are working together for good. But there was a time when no amount of sunlight could brighten his dark thoughts. 

Marco was 14 and would often help his brother at work, installing aluminum window frames. On one day, he was placing frames on the second floor. The electrical wires on the sidewalk were only inches away from the window. In the blink of an eye, Marco went from being a kind boy helping his brother to becoming the victim of a severe electrocution.  

After the longest eight seconds of his life, Marco was rushed to the hospital. During the months that followed, he underwent several surgeries to remove bones damaged by the electricity trying to exit his body. He lost one arm, three fingers, and his toes were damaged. Doctors said Marco was lucky to be alive, but he hated hearing that. Nothing would ever feel normal again.  

All Marco wanted now was to die.

Depression Descends  

The depression Marco experienced was unbearable. He felt like a burden to his family. They owed an insurmountable debt to the hospital. Everyone’s lives had stopped because of those eight seconds on the construction site. His mom, a widow, and his brothers tried to help. But no matter how much they worked, they could never pay the medical bills. 

During those months, many people heard what had happened and Marco received a lot of visitors. Some members from a nearby church came and talked to Marco about Jesus. Since Marco had been thinking about how to take his life, it made sense that he should get right with God first. Surprisingly, he experienced a deep comfort in this new relationship with God, even as he lay confined to a hospital bed.  

After 18 months in the hospital, a doctor came to see him and told him he would be going home very soon. Marco, who by now knew everyone who worked at the hospital, didn’t recognize him. The next day, he and his mom were informed that a mysterious man had come and paid everything they owed. Finally, Marco could go home! 

The first thing Marco wanted to do when he got home was to go to church. On his second day out of the hospital, the church that had introduced him to Christ was having a day of prayer up on a hill. Though his legs were terribly weak, he insisted on going. The pain his body felt was no match for the joy and faith growing inside him. When he got to the top of the hill, with tears in his eyes, he gave God thanks for paying the hospital bills, thanked Him for sparing his life, and promised to serve God for the rest of his life. 

Hope Beyond Depression 

As the years passed, Marco immersed himself in church service. His family, however, continued to struggle financially. He wanted to work to support himself and lessen the burden of his expenses on his mother. But with his physical challenges and little education, he could not find a job.  

Marco wanted to serve God, so he considered studying theology. His pastor told Marco about Bright Hope and the JOEL Program. He told him Bright Hope could provide a loan for his theology studies and Marco could pay it back in small amounts. With gratitude, Marco joined the JOEL Program. 

Blessed with the wisdom and encouragement from the JOEL Program leaders, as well as the financial support, Marco finished his theology courses. The JOEL Program gave him the chance to become equipped to serve the Lord. 

Marco shared: “I can’t say it’s always easy. Things are going well, and God is good to me. But I feel lonely and want to get married. It is hard to believe someone could love me.” 

Though Marco struggles with his physical challenges, he lives life with a smile. He can’t wash his clothes with two weak fingers, so he places his clothes in a wash basin on the floor and stomps on them, thanking God for his feet. His fingers don’t have the strength to hold a fork, so he uses them like a lever. He feels grateful to be able to feed himself. 

This man’s journey is far from over. Only God knows how many lives his faith and strength have influenced and how many more he will bring to Christ. We can be certain that what started with pain, suffering and regret is being carefully crafted into a masterpiece of faithful service.   

Transformation Through the JOEL Education Program 

The JOEL Program in Bolivia partners with motivated students from impoverished families and provides them with a path forward. These students receive guidance, discipleship, training, and a partial loan for the college education or vocational training they need.  

This program has been successful because students, their families, and local church leaders all work together to help students complete university studies, learn to make disciples of other young people, serve their church and community and find a sustainable job. 

Click here to learn more about JOEL! You can also check out Marco’s TikTok here:!

Written by: Amanda Ramos, Bright Hope Marketing Associate in Bolivia

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Bright Hope Staff