“A father to the fatherless… is God in his holy dwelling.” Ps. 68:5 

Earlier this year, your generosity supported the crucial work of Children and Family Centers in Bolivia. Sadly, in Bolivia nearly 80% of children endure abuse or abandonment by a father. Thankfully, these Centers provide safety, education, meals and the tangible love of God to Bolivian children and their families. 

Nilda and her siblings were part of this 80% after their father abandoned them. Their mother did her best to care for them, but she did not know how to read or write. Due to the stress of their father leaving and their mother’s illiteracy, their grades started to plummet. Thankfully, one of Nilda’s classmates recommended them to the Center she was attending.  

A Safe Place for Nilda & Her Siblings 

Now, after attending the Children and Family Centers for two years, Nilda, Limber and Naymar have improved their academic performance at school, developed friendships and received healthy meals. Most importantly, Nilda and her siblings have experienced emotional stability and God’s unconditional love.  

Now, Nilda and her siblings feel safe and protected at the Children and Family Center and they often participate in church activities. Please pray that God would continue to work in the hearts of Nilda, Limber, Naymar and their mom. 

In Bolivia, Children and Family Centers provide a safe environment where children can go after school to learn and grow with their friends, receive healthy meals and hear about God’s love. The centers also host vocational training, discipleship groups and marriage workshops, with the goal of creating jobs, sharing the gospel and repairing broken families.   

You Can Care for the Fatherless, Too  

Several months ago, we held a campaign to support the life-saving work of Children and Family Centers in Bolivia. 

Children and Family Centers in Bolivia provide a safe environment where children can go after school to learn and grow with their friends, receive healthy meals and hear about God’s love. The centers also host vocational trainings, discipleship groups and marriage workshops. They attempt to create jobs, share the gospel and repair broken families. 

Thank you for continuing to pray for families just like Nilda’s! We know our loving Father hears and answers our prayers. 

Malia Rodriguez
Malia Rodriguez

Malia loves serving as a Copywriter for Bright Hope, where she has the privilege to share how God is working among the vulnerable and caring for the extreme poor around the world. As a homeschool mom, Malia strives to develop in her kids compassionate, generous, and caring hearts. Malia and her husband, Matt, live in the Washington, DC area with their son and daughter.