Take Bright Hope for a Test Drive
Give us four months to show you the power of mutual transformation.
Just $35 a month
for four months.
The Test Drive is a smart and practical way to see if we’re the right fit for how you’d like to serve the poor. You try on clothes before you buy them. You take cars for a test drive. And finding the right ministry partner is no different.
When you start a Test Drive, you make a four-month commitment to donate $35 or more to our most urgent needs. During those four months, you'll learn about our ministry model and how our own hearts are changed when we serve others.

A new perspective on serving the poor.
In each month of your Test Drive, we’ll show you one facet of our special ministry model, providing Hope for Today, Tomorrow and Eternity, and give you opportunities to learn more.
Learn about our HOPE FOR TODAY programs plus get a sample country progress report, an exclusive document typically reserved for only our most committed Allies!
Learn about our HOPE FOR TOMORROW programs plus dive deeper into one of our projects serving those living on less than $2 a day.
Learn about our HOPE FOR ETERNITY programs plus discover how your gifts make an eternal impact!
Learn how we combine Hope for Today, Tomorrow and Eternity (HTTE) into a unique ministry model that holistically meets a community’s needs—from providing the most basic necessities, to those that can change the course of a life, to those that will make an impact on one’s eternity!
Still have questions? We've got answers...
What exactly is the HTTE model?
Your donation will provide Hope for Today, Tomorrow and Eternity (HTTE) to people living in slums and villages in one of the countries where we currently minister. Hope for Today programs meet survival needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. Hope for Tomorrow is focused on economic development. Hope for Eternity is helping the poor learn and grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
How is my gift being used?
Bright Hope’s on-the-ground village and slum community partners are churches. Bible-believing, Christ-following churches that want to help people suffering in their communities. These churches have a huge amount of passion and are tapped into the needs and hurts of the people in their community. Bright Hope provides training and guidance so the churches and their communities can address those needs efficiently while also taking control of their own futures.
Can I give all four months at once, or more than $35?
Yes, when you sign up there are several options including the option to donate all four months at once or to increase your monthly or one-time gift.
Can I stop my Test Drive if it's not for me?
Yes, you can stop your monthly donation at any time by contacting us at 224.520.6100.
What happens when the four months is over?
At the end of your Test Drive, we will give you an opportunity to join Radiant, a members-only monthly giving program that provides you with monthly videos that connect you with some of the communities where we are hard at work, an exclusive Facebook group, prayer exchanges, monthly indicator videos that answer some common questions about poverty, plus much more!

Four monthly donations of $35 or more.
One donation of $140 or more covering four months.