Hope for Haiti

For millions in Haiti, the future seems bleak. Since their president's assassination three years ago, they've faced unrest, gang violence, and displacement. Amid this catastrophe, they endure trauma but still have hope.

With rampant food insecurity, lack of clean water, and escalating violence, Haitians need our support. Will you join us in offering hope?

How We Help the Extreme Poor

Bright Hope unites Christ-followers from around the world to bring Hope and help to those living in some of the poorest places on Earth.

Through our Hope for Today, Hope for Tomorrow, and Hope for Eternity ministry model, we can break the grip of generational poverty, and as we do, we see lives changed and our own hearts grow.

  • Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
  • Clean Water
  • School Feeding Program
  • Medical Care 
  • Strengthen Families 
  • Microfinance & Job Training
  • Education
  • Agricultural Practices 
  • Animal Rearing
  • Resourcing Church Ministries
  • Church Leadership Development
  • Evangelism & Discipleship Support 

You Can Make a Difference!

It's easy to help the poorest of the poor.

Give To the Poor

Help support our Most Urgent Needs sharing Hope for Today, Tomorrow and Eternity.

Pray For the Poor

Our Prayer Wall and Prayer Team connect our Allies to the urgent requests of our global partners. 


Their lives are changed. Your heart grows.

Around the world, millions of people live in desperate poverty. Followers of Christ want to serve Him and make a meaningful impact, but they don’t always know the best ways to proceed and make an eternal impact. At Bright Hope, we bring together Allies against extreme poverty, bringing mutual transformation for the people we serve...and us in the process.

You Have the Choice to Stop the Cycle of Suffering

The Bright Hope Promise

  • We are committed to helping the extreme poor with the most effective and efficient methods.
  • Donations made to our Most Urgent Needs fund will be directed to where needed most, this includes all Bright Hope programs and operations activities around the world.
  • We promise to treat every penny donated as if God, Himself, gave it to us.
  • We promise to treat you as an "Ally", a co-worker for bringing Hope and help to those living in extreme poverty.
  • We promise to help you grow, connect and celebrate the impact you are making in the lives of the poor.
  • We will never give, lend, or sell your personal information.
  • ECFA membership and Charity Navigator ratings affirm the reliability of Bright Hope.

Project Categories

Charity Navigator Four-star
Most Trusted Nonprofits




Help the best churches in the world’s worst slums and remotest villages reach the poorest people in their communities. Give directly to their programs.

Stories of Hope & Transformation

As we lock arms with our Christian brothers and sisters around the world, we are ALL transformed through Hope. Check here weekly for new stories from our global church partners and our allies.